No more pest damage Frost protection Extend your growing season
Standard size hoops 350-450 x 550 x5mm
Midi size hoops 550-800 x 850 x5mm
Jumbo size hoops 550-1000 x1150 x6mm
Mammoth size hoops 550-1200 x 1450 x6mm
Please note: The first measurement is the working width of the hop followed by the height out of ground.
We will be adding some other cloche kits as soon as possible , including a larger version.(stayed tuned or please contact us for styles and sizes not listed here.)
Kits and codes are;
CLOCHE KIT Standard mikroclima (net size 2x4m) |
CLOCHE KIT Standard bird econo net (net size 1.2x4m) |
CLOCHE KIT Jumbo Microklima (net size 3x4m |
CLOCHE KIT Jumbo Bird net (Olirette net size 4x4m |
CLOCHE KIT Standard bird Olirette netting |
Please click on photos below for more detail.

Jumbo Bird protection